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is this going to be available for android in the future?

To commenters, this prologue seems done, they have another version if you go to their page


The latest comment is 6 month ago..... ig game is dead or prob not. Man heres my bad luck im trying to find an open world 18+ game that has same similiar gameplay like genshin and wuwa but found nothing.

This game is dead, isn't it?


Go to their Discord. Last Alpha build was sent out  03/01/2024. Not dead, just not being updated here anymore.


Ah. Okay.

is this abandoned? the patreon isnt working anymore either

(3 edits) (+7)

Hi it's not abandoned, we stopped the patreon because due to family and financial circumstances, we had to take time off.
That and we are in the process of looking for a job. The patreon is closed because we cannot give anything back for the time being.

We are currently overseas but will return home next month. Hopefully the project can be resumed on Febuary.

Thank you for trying the game!

hi umm..... why is it mine not working, The screen goes black every time I open the game, How can I fix this??

The game sometime takes a while to load, we have optimisation issue.

Have you tried to wait for at least 10 seconds?


I would like suggest add Android version port, it would be cool this game is impressive great artstyle


Hi, we don't have plans for port due to funding issues.
Just letting you know we've improved the art style on the latest version. The free Public Version will be out in a couple of days =), it's 11 version ahead of the prologue.

We hope you can try it!

Played for the hanky panky, stayed for the plot.

Gotta love harems.

Hey where do i get gifts?

and there is no map for some reason

Hi, you are playing the first alpha version of the game. Alpha build version 1.1 will be released next month for free. We have included more gifts items and Map on the latest version.

So how do I get the version of the row, which is still V0.4

I don't want the game to be abandoned

Hi there, we are currently at V0.8, Project is not abandoned ^_^.
V0.9 will be released in 4 days.

We plan to release V1.0 for free when we reached V1.2.
Join our discord for latest update/news


if i'm not mistaken isnt HRoid just a mod for VRoid studio? which means couldn't you technically allow people to upload and use their own VRoid characters in this? if so you should definitely think about adding a feature like this in the future. huge missed opportunity otherwise.


We have plan for Custom maids in the future. Players may create them with options to adjust height, face, curve, thickness and so on. Players can also make their own dress by editing base mesh in photo editor program (See maple story 2 for example).

It is definitely possible, to drag and drop V-roid model at run time but we will have issues with animations. That said, we will do contest periodically and select a winner to have their Model integrated to the game =).


What can I say about your project.

So far everything looks clumsy to be honest.

The first 30 minutes show good cuts (for indie games).

But then when they let you go. Boredom starts. Running from one floor to another is just ridiculous. And why is there only 3 scenes in the game. Although there are clearly more of them on the game website.

In short, I'm not happy with your project.

And yes, you also deceived about the harem.

If you want to deceive someone, then you have made a good attempt.

You have an extreme raw project. For which even a dollar is a pity to give

Rated 3 out of 10

(3 edits) (+7)

Hey Alex, thank you for trying the game. 25 to 30 minutes is just about the playtime for the prologue. 

we released it as a prologue because it's a proof of concept on its alpha stage which still needed tons and tons of even basic functions and system to be enjoyable. 

As for the harem, it is mentioned for the lore and gameplay. But as you can see the status state a work in development. We plan to unlock 1 girl a month but we are in the process of working with essential functions (equipment, customisation etc).

Our project is raw and only represent a few percent of the final product. We are currently at v0.5 (few months of development after prologue) and I must say the content are still lacking for a loop game. 

If you find the first 30 minutes interesting please look forward to future free release.  In the current release, save station were made to address the issue of running around from point A to B. You can teleport between save stations.

Also we strongly suggest to not give a penny if people are expecting a full experience game. Our development are still far beyond that point. The current stats of the game can be seen on discord so anyone looking to donate or contribute can see the latest progress before donating.

We open patreon because we are self funded and on top of using our own saving for the project we are still losing money monthly. I quit my job so I can work on this project fully , that's why patreon are made so I can buy the essential and perhaps speed the development if there are any extras.

This version is the prologue ( introduction ) please treat it as such =).

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My suggestion would be optimization btw. There's no reason the menu of this game should be pushing 3080 to 90+% GPU usage on first load. Idk if it's an issue or what, but even on Very low on windowed mode in the smallest resolution it was still pushing 60% usage on a high end card.

(1 edit)

Hi thank you for the feedback. I believe the usage comes from unreal engine running their thing. There isn't much code in the main menu either. 

If the usage is more or less the same on the main menu and outside the main menu, then I believe it's just UE4 running their pre requisite code

It's actually significantly higher on the menu.

I will look into it in one week time. Currently out of town


Lmao woke up from bed after the tour walked into a wall and fell through the map XD

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

:D, Collision has been fixed on the latest version but unfortunately we no longer update the Prologue version.

We do have plan to release more stable version when we receive enough funding but since I can't say when. Join our discord for updates :)


ah no worries then lol just found it really funny lol it was cool seeing the map in a differnt way XD 

I have downloded the game. When I run it the screen goes black nothing there a way to fix it

That's odd. Do you have multiple monitor?
What is your spec?
Do you own a Virtual Reality Headset?

I am using laptop

4gb ram 

Intell 4600hd 

No virtual reality head set

Hi, the lack of GPU could be the reason. I don't think on-board GPU is enough to Run Unreal Engine especially the one from older model.
Sorry about that.

I couldn't find any indication about how to continue the main line after that speech in the gym, did I miss something?

Head to the exit at the gym, you will see indication to go to the classroom with risa as your guide.

Oh, I did finished that classroom part, then a girl came to ask me about something like swimming, and there was no indication after that. I managed to finish all the side quests, but there’s still no hint of the next step.

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Hi Sunjohn117, are you playing the Patreon version or the prologue?

The game will eventually be a sandbox game, meaning the end goal should be set by the player them self (Eg. Minecraft, Rust, HaverstMoon)
We have a very limited quest at this point of time, if you are playing the Prologue version, the game essentially ends at the firework event.
You can still explore the map, but that will be about everything the Prologue offer.

I mean, there should be a combat part. I know it because I tried the first version months ago. A week ago, I downloaded the latest version from F95, but I somehow couldn't continue to that combat part

(1 edit)

We removed the combat temporarily after feedback about the state of the combat.
Combat will be reinstated at the end of this month. We are showcasing the upcoming enemy tonight. Check out our discord/patreon for updates.

Also we understand that we cannot stop anyone from downloading from other sharing sites. However we kindly ask for all to support us on our Patreon to get the recent version so that we are able continue developing the game. 

If I downloaded a new version of the game, is there a way to copy the save to the new version?

(1 edit)

You don't have to copy the save file, they are kept at User/APP Data/ Local/ TheArkGame/Saved/SaveGames

When you download a new version, simply just open the game and it will load your file. Please bare in mind that Prologue version are a different instance with Patreon release so your save file for Prologue won't be read in the Patreon version.

We will include updater for more convenience in the future.


I see, thanks

Deleted post
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Porting to Android will require a great deal of optimization for every asset created. We are a small team, so we are going to say no at this moment.


Deleted post

Will there be an Linux version?

(1 edit) (+2)

No plan at this point but may deploy Linux version in the future after more development.

(3 edits)

By the way Proton and Wine are not able to get the game running,  so i had to use my Computer who is running Windows to play the game

I noticed a lot of bugs, one of them was that the pleasure meter (or something) didnt reset once you hit the maximum and that during the doggystyle animation the girl is not in front center of the boy and that the Penis was not erect and  not penetrating her.

The map in the Inventory was not functional.

If you ever put the game on Steam please keep the Itch version updated since  you cant buy Hentai games on steam in germany because Valve has to add an proper age verification system to steam in order to be allowed to sell Hentai games in germany which they have not yet done and propably never will do.

Thank you soo much for the information.

As for the bug on pleasure metre it was addressed and the inventory is now functional on the latest version (Patreon Version).

We are considering to update the version once we build the community and raised enough funding. Feel free to join discord to see latest development. Hair customisation for H-Roid will b announced tomorrow =).

Have a nice day


i recently bought an Steamdeck and proton seems to be able to run the game now. The game also runs in gamescope mode. All the buttons recognized by the game.


Was searching in the comments to see any similar issues about the elevator bug where you fall and it seems someone had this issue months ago, Well 

it happened to me and am kinda stuck , i cant save without going to my bedroom and everytime i restart the elevator is bugged.This started happening after i redeemed the ticket.

Btw the idea of the game is great but needs a tons of qol features added and ofc elevator bug fixes

Hi sanpanda, thank you for the report.

May I know where you spawn when re-loading the game after you redeemed the ticket?

exactly on the ticket redeem spot,I basically cant proceed to the next day


The firework is the end of the prologue.  You can reload to explore the map but you can't advance to the next day. 

latest version of the game in patreon already allow player to go to the next day. Do mind that we are still building content right now tho.

oh ok i understand

(2 edits)

Sorry I'm replying to you like this but my comment thing isn't working so I can only reply!

Anyways I have a simple question

What is the games minimum system requirements?

(1 edit)

We haven't benchmark the game yet but I would recommend 8 GB ram. Any GPU above GTX 1660 should hold the game :)


I have an Core i 7 4th gen and an GTX960 and it ran fine

Will you put this on steam?

When the game is polished, we will submit it for approval.

Will there be an option to play as a female?


No, we are a small team. There is only resource for one play-through.

(1 edit)

Uhh can I ask what's the minimum of ram needed?


I would recommend at least 8 Gb but 4 Gb should be possible with low texture settings.


o jogo parece promissor, não vou baixar agora pois vou esperar mais atualizações, mas por enquanto continue com o bom trabalho 😄👍😎 !  


Hmm...Is there some kind of cheat?

There will be no cheat in the game ^_^



The plan is for the game to support some degree of multiplayer.  Not the combat part but some examples would be sport game, Board game, waifu show case, casino, etc.

This is why we can't include any cheat into the game because we want everyone to have a fair go.


Ohh I see...

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

We will keep that in mind and add that to our list. 

Right at this moment, we are working on hair customisation with dye option.

Next we will add clothing system for each H-roid. When all of that's done then we will try to add more feature.

Thank you!


Deleted 2 years ago

There's nothing wrong with asking anything, and I actually encourage people to do that so I can make a better game ( if we are capable ) for more people.

Please don't take it to heart, perhaps some people don't agree with skin customisation and find it easier to vote down rather than have an objective discussion.

We thank you for the feedback and suggestion.

Hi ! i can't use the items, the game says to place them some "square number, i did but when i press the number on the keyboard nothing happen... so i can't pass the first mission... thank you the game is great !!

(sorry for the bad english)

Hi, we hear multiple report about some players not being able to use consumable.  Combat is currently removed and will be fixed/tuned on the latest version.

Thank you soo much for trying the game.

how remove cause for me it's the first misson and i belive i have to do it anw, shoul i reinstall the game or something ?...

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry to hear that but I don't think re-installing will fix the issue. It's possible to beat the mission without any consumable. The trick is to avoid all off the unnecessary confrontation. Other than the big Axe wielding robot and the stage boss, you are not required to kill other ones. 

Let me know if that help you beating the first mission


Hey I reviewed your game 


beautifully done! Thank you soo much <3


No probs

Nice game. Here are a couple problems i encountered though.
- I couldn't use the consumables in any fashion despite putting them in the bar
- The music prevented me to hear the conversation with the dying girl clearly and i didn't find any way to temper with the audio settings
- I bought the 8500cb sword and it simply didn't do anything

Hi Chestercat,
-You should be able to use number 1- 10 depending on the slot to use consumable
-In-game graphic and Audio setting will be added 2 months from now.
-Equip and combat are WiP and not functional. We have removed the combat on the patreon version until we can work more on it.
Thank you soo much for trying our game :)


About the consummables some games don't recognise my keyboard, neither the numeric pad, nor the numbers  up there.
It's weird cause i have no problem most of the time, your game is the second, maybe third i have a problem with, all indy games all of them from itch.

Well the combat was not really that bad, kindda reminded me of dark souls a little bit, except the enemies damages were puny in comparison.
And i probably had it worse than most using an azerty keyboard without the ability to switch the control. Couldn't use onigiris either and... Was still ok IMO. ^^'

Will there be more updates for f2p or will we have to pay to continue?

We will consider that in the future however since we are still fresh it would be much appreciated for the support via our Patreon for more access to current content. 


I like the game a lot and I think the combat is fun and the characters are great :) very promising


Thank you, we will try our best to improve and continue build the game.

god the combat is one of the most clunkiest i have ever felt in a game

Hi, we are aware of the terrible experience players are facing on the Alpha combat. We've disabled the combat on the current version of the game. Combat is not the main core of the gameplay, it is made to complement the actual game. We hope to improve it in the future before adding it back again.

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will there be an Linux version?

Wine and Proton arent able to get it to work

The game is made with Unreal Engine so it's possible to publish Linux Version. None of the team own Linux however thus we can't support Linux Version beyond packaging. 

you can install Virtual box and make an Linux Virtual Machine.

I mean will it run in joiplay in andriod? One thing to find out lez go  and try it 

im having trouble downloading it and playing it. it crashes in the beginning screen. what kind of winzip do i need? why doesnt the one i got open it. im confused

Hi, any zip software should work, including the one provided by windows.
I personally use Winrar to unzip the folder. I hope you fixed the problem

Will this be imported to andriod?Yes or No?Why?

No, because it's too heavy for an android platform and downsizing will take too long for a small team like us.

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Can it run in joiplay?

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The game is made with Unreal Engine for PC platform.  No emulator is needed as it will run executable file.


Good game but. The game breaks when i try to do parttime in the nurse office. Im sure it breaks with any part time. I tried the nurse office 3 times and all my options are gone. I cant move, or rotate the screen. And there isnt anything else that happens. The characters are still standing there. There just isnt any options after you press part time. Thats when all options disappear and you cant move, but the game still runs.


Hi, that must have been a bug, we will look into it. There is no part time work intended for the nurse office at this moment. The only part time work exist in latest build (patreon version) at the fast food chain.

I can see that you are stuck in a state, thanks for letting us know we will fix it.

Do you have plan to import this on Android?


Sorry, we don't have plans to import this on Android.

Deleted 2 years ago
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